Connecting • Loving • Growing • Serving
3100 Windsor Avenue, Dubuque, IA
Worship - 10:45am Sunday

Loving God and Each Other

What would possess anyone to get out of bed early on a Sunday morning?!  Join us and find out!

Sunday is the big day at GracePoint for loving God and each other.  The Lord’s Day begins with prayer before worship to ask God for a spirit-filled, divinely inspired, and God-glorifying time together.

Worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and includes lively praise using electric guitars with the praise band and a conversational message with visuals and a sermon outline. Worship includes communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Music that happens during worship is a big part of how we demonstrate love to God.  Each Sunday, you will hear hymns, praise songs, preludes, and postludes.

Before worship, we enjoy “fellowship time,” where we meet guests, visit with each other, and refresh ourselves with beverages and snacks.

Grace Groups are small groups of 4-10 people who meet together to get better acquainted and to pray for each other.  Some Grace Groups get together during the week for fellowship and prayer; ETC meets on Tuesday afternoons at 3pm