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Fellowship Time
GP Classes at 9:15am

Fellowship Time
GP Classes at 9:15am
©2025 GracePoint Church
All Rights Reserved
Website By The Stevens Company
The Module 3 GracePath classes begin on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Two classes are offered:
1- Study of II Thessalonians. This class builds on concepts developed in the previous study of I Thessalonians. Learn the relevance of Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians for us today. Facilitator: Pastor Jeff Durham Location: double classroom
2- Topical course for discovering spiritual gifts using the reputable guide, Network. This class helps participants discover their spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ. Facilitator: Mary Hirschey Location: conference room
GracePoint Worship continues to be a combination of hymns and praise songs; organ, piano, and guitars; personal and corporate responses; a scripture inspired sermon; and LOTS of prayer. It is only the time of the morning that is different. People can gather and greet each other in the Fellowship Center prior to Worship and after attending the Grace Path classes which will start at 9:15am.
Typically, Communion is on the first Sunday of each month.
3100 Windsor Avenue
Dubuque, IA 52001