Connecting • Loving • Growing • Serving
3100 Windsor Avenue, Dubuque, IA
Worship - 10:45am Sunday

Mission to Mexico

Day One — Getting Here
What a great day! What a great group of travelers! What a great church that God is growing in the western suburbs of Cancun!
The quiet hotel north of the Hotel Zone (all of the resorts)is a glorious, intimate spot for this group of 13. The view is spectacular; we can see the island across the bay, or maybe it’s the Caribbean Sea. The sea breezes are blowing and will cool us after working inland at the church’s new building site.
We visited the church site and learned that tomorrow we will tie rerod to form seven pillars. We will pour concrete mixed on the ground to make the support columns.

Our hearts are already won over by the hard-working men who have built the foundation and the (newest) church member who rode by on her bicycle and stopped to greet us and to thank us for coming. THEN the five little children playing at the small house across the street came to greet us and shake our hands. We are smitten!

Bedtime is early tonight because everyone was at the airport by 5 this morning AND because breakfast is at 6 a.m. tomorrow. Ramon is cooking for us. We will be working by 7:30 a.m.