Connecting • Loving • Growing • Serving
3100 Windsor Avenue, Dubuque, IA
Worship - 10:45am Sunday

Mission to Mexico — Third Work Day

Mission to Mexico – Day 5

This morning, we got a slow start because the workers had to bring a cement mixer. But, we finished today’s job by noon, and had everything put away JUST before the rain began!!!! God hears the prayers of His people! Thank you all for praying about the weather.

After tomorrow, all of the construction materials will have been used up, but we are here one more day. Well, God has done it AGAIN! We converted a budgeted amount of money into pesos to pay for gasoline, and (imagine this) we have enough left over to purchase concrete blocks. So Wednesday, we will lay the blocks on top of the foundation cap that we pour by buckets tomorrow. God is GOOD!!!

Tonight at the evening gathering time, we shared our personal reflections about the mission trip experiences so far. Not surprisingly, the scripture for tonight’s selected devotion fit the comments people were making about how we worked together today with the local construction crew.

Please pray for a VERY good rest for each of us tonight, because tomorrow will be the most physically strenuous. Also, pray for the young mother, Asuzanna, whose testimony was mentioned on Day 3. As a new Christian, she is susceptible to the wrong influence of others. Pray for ability to discern truth according to God’s Word. Also, please pray for the neighborhood children mentioned on Day 1. Not all of the children are attending school because their mother does not think education is important. Other inappropriate things go on in the home. Pray for protection for the children and for their mother.

Tonight’s Devotions: Ephesians 2:19-22