Connecting • Loving • Growing • Serving
3100 Windsor Avenue, Dubuque, IA
Worship - 10:45am Sunday


GracePath for Growing in Grace and Truth

At GracePoint, everyone can experience five avenues to grow in grace and truth, in Christ likeness, and in closer relationship with God.

1. GracePath Bible Studies ~ Sunday morning is GracePath time. Choose from a series of ten adult Bible studies over a year that cover the foundations needed to live as a devoted and fruitful Christ-follower.

2. GracePath Guidance ~ Spiritual direction is meeting with a GracePath “PathFinder” (someone trained in spiritual counseling) to discern and address any roadblocks to spiritual growth, and to suggest resources.

3. GracePath Service Opportunities ~ The mark of maturity in Christ is living a life of faith, hope, and love. Become more like Christ by serving others like Christ did.

4. GracePath Spiritual Disciplines ~ Engagement in all of God’s appointed means of grace—the Spiritual Disciplines—in the context of Christian community is required to pursue Christ likeness.